Thursday, August 6, 2009

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NEW DELHI - A mother-in-law that kicks in-law is punishable by a court on charges of cruelty. This was decided by the Supreme Court of India, responding to a series of appeals in-law, husbands and mothers-. In particular, the highest court of India has said that the mother-in-law can blame the daughter, her second-hand clothes, possibly kicking and slapping her or take back the gifts made during the marriage. The court's decision, the agency PTI reported, arrived in the action of an Indian woman who, already in its second experience double mother-in-law accused her husband of cruelty and complicity with her mother. The judges gave her wrong, reiterating the vein of the educational activities of the mother-in-law and her role as mother. In India, after the wedding, the bride goes to live with the husband's parents' house where the latter, in most cases, is actually enslaved by the mother-in-law. Salaries are all delivered to the father of the groom who distributes the money among family members, while the bride is the obligation of cleaning and look after the house. In the event that the couple is unable to have children or has a daughter, her in-laws blamed for what his daughter in law. The dowry of the latter shall be forfeit in-laws. No coincidence that there are several cases of suicide among brides and allegations of abuse against the mother in law. The Supreme Court's decision is bound to trigger protests from feminist movements, which are increasing in the country.